
Registreeru TMW workshopidele ja mentorlustele

Tutvu eelregistreerimist vajavate Music Estonia poolt kureeritud workshopide ja mentorlustega Tallinn Music Weekil ja anna enda huvist märku!

1.–2. oktoobril toimub Music Estoniaga koostöös valminud TMW Creative Impact konverents, mille teemade ring ulatub muusikatööstuse seminaridest popkultuurilooliste vestluste ja valdkondade üleste tulevikukäsitlusteni. Meil on rõõm esitleda selle raames valikut workshope ja mentorlusi, kus on vajalik eelregistreerimine:


REEDEL, 1. oktoobril
Nordic Hotel Forum

13:15 – 14:15 VEGA
Workshop: The People Puzzle: Building Your Team – registration required

You understand the role of managers, booking agents and sync people. The question now is – do you actually need their help? What should you be doing on your own and when is the right time to look for support? How do you successfully build a team and a timeline to get the most out of your releases? In this workshop Marc Brown and Jamie Ford from Byta will lead you through the maze of teams and timelines to help you solve the People Puzzle. Expect practical information, strategic advice and communication tips, delivered using case studies and examples of successes and failures. This workshop is designed to help you take control of your career..


Marc Brown, Founder of Byta

Jamie Ford, Founder of Honeymooner, Artist Manager at Concrete, Head of Artist & Label Services at Byta

14:30 – 15:45 VEGA
Artist workshop: Taking Charge of Your Finances – registration required

As the music industry is becoming more and more complex every day, good financial planning is playing an increasingly important role in any artist’s or manager’s job. Knowing where, how and when your money flows is key as income streams are becoming much more diverse and often only make fractions of Euros. So where can you save money, where do you spend it most wisely, and how do you actually manage your income at all? Some guidance will be given by Hannes Tschürtz, founder of Ink Music

LAUPÄEVAL, 2. oktoobril
Nordic Hotel Forum

11:45 – 12:45 VEGA
Workshop: Music marketing in the age of social media: How to build your own community – registration required

Nikita Wiessner, General Manager of bitbird

Over 40.000 tracks are being uploaded to Spotify every day and social media platforms like TikTok have made it easier than ever to share your music with the world. But how do you effectively stand out and convert users to fans? In this workshop we’ll discuss how building a community can help get your music heard by many.


Mentorlussessioonidega saab tutvuda ja neile registreeruda SIIN – kohtade arv on piiratud!

Ülalmainitud workshopid ja mentorlused on rahastatud EAS Euroopa Regionaalfondi vahenditest.