Music Estonia Managers regulation

The mission of Music Estonia Managers (hereinafter: MEM), Music Estonia’s branch bringing together managers, is to develop the activities, contact network and success of managers both internationally and regionally, and to stimulate cooperation and support for each other, especially at the local level.
MEM’s objectives are:
1. Bringing together and representing Estonian managers and self-managing artists, and supporting their activities in every way.
2. Regular mapping of the current situation of Estonian managers, analysis of bottlenecks, challenges and development potential and, on this basis, setting common development goals and coordinating cooperation.
3. Representing and promoting the interests of Estonian managers and the industry through coordinated communication activities, aimed at both public sector partners and the wider public. The aim of the communication is to raise awareness of the value of managers for artists and for the development of the Estonian music industry in general.
4. Active and meaningful participation in developing policies in the sector, both at national (cultural and business policy) and local level.
5. Supporting cooperation ideas between Estonian managers.
6. Active representation and participation of Estonian managers in European and international organisations. Continuous development of the prerequisites and opportunities for participation in international cooperation projects and, where possible, participation as a lead partner.
MEM branch members:
1. The MEM network is made up of members of NGO Music Estonia who:
– meet the criteria set out in the Statutes of NGO Music Estonia;
– whose activity consists of the management of artists as a second party;
– who have expressed their wish to join the MEM network.
2. In order to participate in the work of the MEM network, you must become a member of NGO Music Estonia with your company. To do this, you are required to fill in a membership application form. The Council of Music Estonia will review the application and make a decision. The head of the MEM branch is also involved in the decision of the Council.
Governance and organisation of the MEM branch
1. The MEM branch is led by a MEM Branch Manager, who is selected from the Music Estonia network or a suitable candidate is found from outside the Music Estonia membership. The selection of the MEM Branch Manager will be approved by the Governing Board or CEO of Music Estonia.
2. The nature and organisation of the employment relationship of the MEM Branch Manager will be developed, negotiated and agreed upon by the CEO of Music Estonia according to needs and opportunities.
3. Meetings of MEM branch members will take place at least twice a year. The Branch Manager will inform the network members of the meetings at least one week before the meeting.
Accounting of MEM
1. The activities of the MEM branch are, for accounting purposes, part of the activities of NGO Music Estonia.
2. The budget of the MEM branch is part of Music Estonia’s overall budget and may include ad hoc project funding. More detailed budget plans, activity plans and reports will be developed jointly with the CEO of Music Estonia and approved by the Council as part of Music Estonia’s overall financial accounting and reporting.
3. In addition to membership fees, it is planned to introduce symbolic network fees from 2024 onwards, which will help to plan for the sustainability of branch management. The Council of Music Estonia will approve the fees.
International networks:
- EMMA – European Music Managers Alliance
- MMF – UK Music Managers Forum
- IMMF – International Music Managers Forum
- Music Week subscription
- Music Worldwide subscription
Meetings with MEM network members
At least twice a year, major network meetings are held to provide feedback and map out the training needs and other challenges of the branch members in more detail. In addition, at least a couple of times a year, joint meetings are held to discuss topical issues. The aim is to meet with the network at least quarterly.
The first meeting, in 2023, is planned to take place at the end of August, with a mentoring/lecture day. The second meeting will take place in November.
General benefits of ME members
The general benefits of ME including discounts, use of facilities, general communication and visibility are listed HERE.
Become a ME member and fill in the membership application form HERE.
Current information
The network will set up a joint group on social media to share information quickly and easily. As a general rule, information will also be sent by email.