In which region of Estonia are festivals most densely concentrated? Where can you find the most suitable concert venue for your event, accommodating the desired number of visitors and offering the necessary infrastructure? The map below helps answer these questions.
Each festival and concert venue can add its own information to the map. If your managed event or venue is missing, you can add it via the “Add to map” option. Music Estonia will verify the submitted data, after which the new location will be published on the map. We strive to keep the information as up-to-date as possible, but the accuracy of the data is the responsibility of the contributors.
Concert venues have been added to the map based on the following types and capacities: arena/exhibition center; art center/gallery; church/place of worship; Cindy&Kate grassroots venue (Baltic network); concert hall/auditorium; cultural center/school; grassroots venue (community places); hotel/restaurant; large concert venue (up to 5,000 people); medium venue (up to 1,000 people); nightclub; other; outdoor green space; pub/bar; small venue (up to 300 people); theater/opera house.
For any questions or feedback, please contact us via email at:
0 – 26000
Venue and Festival Map Form
The form for adding both festivals and venues is combined, though some fields may differ. Please fill out the form as thoroughly as possible. Submitted information will not appear on the map automatically; it will be reviewed by a staff member who may request additional details if necessary.
The company's name, registration code, email, and phone number will not appear on the map or be disclosed, but this information will be collected for future research and mapping purposes.
All data is securely stored in the Music Estonia database.
Locations of concerts and festivals
The Russian Theatre of Estonia
Type:Concert Venue, Theatre / Opera house
The Concert and Theatre House of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre